twogirls.txt CINDY DISCOVERS SUBMISSION -------------------------- by Brian Hutton JACKIE AND CINDY MEET. It was Friday afternoon and I was glad I didn't have a date. I'd been asked but nothing seemed right about any of them. I just wanted to be alone. Seattle was rainy when I boarded the United flight to Los Angeles. Where did they get the LAX from and the other names for the airports anyway? Who's job was it at the CAB to name them? First class always appeals to me. Not just in flights but everything else too. I guess I just feel more important when I spend more money on me. Clothes, car, my hair, having my nails done, a facial, presents for friends, restaurants and flying in first class. Why was I thinking of all these things? My mind was wandering. My presentation this morning went well. I was proud of myself. Somehow, being the only woman in the meeting made me proud."It was a man's world" was boring but it still held true in my career. Marketeers were almost all men up to five years ago with Bennett Financial. I even feel that it should be men out making the living in their little Brooks Bros. suits and wing tip shoes and white button down shirts. I don't want to be out here in Seattle, flying, working, driving with little time for me. That's why I'm glad I don't have a date this evening when I get home. I just want to be alone. "Excuse me, ma'am" the attendant was saying. I guess I had dropped off. I was aware that my right foot was asleep and my shoes had gone under my seat. I was turned on my right side sleeping. I had a vague feeling of being wakened in the middle of an anxious dream and at first I was a little afraid. Where was I? "Excuse me, Miss Albright, I don't mean to wake you but we need to move a passenger up next to you; we seem to be having some problem getting her lights and fan to work, do you mind?" I still was a little foggy. I must have been sleeping for some time. I usually only have trouble waking after I fall asleep for one or two hours in the afternoon. I didn't even answer and I noticed another woman standing next to the flight attendant. She was going to sit next to me. "I'm Jackie Montague. I hope you don't mind awfully letting me sit next to you. The controls over my seat weren't working and I couldn't read and there was no fan. I guess there was some kind of electrical problem, nothing major." I answered not fully awake. Mostly nodded. "That's fine. I'm Cindy Albright, please sit down." My valise was not on the seat next to me but I guessed the flight attendant had put it overhead. Jackie rang the call button. The attendant arrived. "I'd like a glass of orange juice, may I order something for you Cindy"? Orange juice sounded great right now and something in her voice was strangely appealing. I answered right away. "Yes, I'd like orange juice too, please". Jackie stared at me for just a moment longer than necessary. A smile came over her mouth. Strangely appealing. "I'm going to LA, you?" she said. The way she spoke. Very direct. That's what everyone at work says is my claim to success. Being direct. I didn't feel direct though. She was direct. And her stare was sort of piercing. She smiled when she spoke but it didn't really seem like a complete smile. Just partly. The rest of her smile was as though she was holding something back. "Me too. I live in LA and have been in Seattle for a couple of days. My work." Jackie sipped her drink. "What kind of work are you involved in?" Now we were going to do some chit chat I could see but she seemed a little more interesting than most. For the last two days I had been involved in so many sets of small talk that I hoped we could really talk. I wanted to really talk. No more chit chat, please. "I work for a financial corporation that sells certain products to banks. I've been in Seattle presenting our product line to a couple of banks." "I live in LA and work for CNN, the news tv channel," Jackie said. "I'm in sales too, a little like you, I imagine, Cindy." No one ever calls me by my name. Somehow, it always sounds serious. Like when I was a little girl and my mom would call me into the house, especially if I had done something to displease her. Jackie appeared to be about five years older than me. It was hard to tell in this light, though. Five or six years older I would guess. I had just had my twenty-eighth birthday about a month earlier. I could forget about most of it except the cake with the candle that Frank ordered at the restaurant he had taken me to. Not the cake, the song the waiters had struggled through. It was horrible. But it was funny. Frank was funny that night too. Frank was usually not too funny. I was glad we were taking some time away from each other to think out our relationship. Jackie was impeccably dressed in a dark tailored suit, white blouse, tie and dark heels. I hadn't noticed but she looked somewhat masculine. Her hair was dark and fairly short. She had a very serious business look about her. And she seemed sure of herself. The way I always wanted to feel, but didn't. She had the look of success in the marketing field that many women now had. But she looked successful. I tried but she had the look and probably would have it no matter what she was wearing. "I'm going to have a glass of wine and I'd like you to join me", Jackie said. She rang the call button as I was nodding my approval. Her nails were done very nicely and recently too. I always notice nails. Yesterday, I had run into a woman from a competing financial company, coming out from giving a presentation to one of the banks I had called on. She had been just in front of me and I guess I had arrived a little early. Usually, I don't get to see the people who are before me. It is considered in poor taste to allow people in competition to actually see one another. Probably just an example of one of the unwritten rules made by men before I got on the scene. Her nails looked terrible. I laughed; maybe that was why I had been received so nicely at First Interstate Bank. "To a new friendship" I heard Jackie say as she held up her glass for a toast. I clicked my glass against hers. The wine was good. Cold and not too sweet. "I toured the wine country in northern California last year on vacation." Jackie was speaking again to me. I liked the crispness in her voice. There was a faint accent I couldn't place. "I've never been" I heard myself saying. The wine was giving me a warm all over feeling and I was looking at Jackie to see what she was going to say next. I guess she must have seen me almost staring at her. She smiled again. "Do you like wine?" she asked me. "Yes, but I don't know much about it" I responded. I had finished my glass and felt good. Jackie had pushed the call button again and had ordered us both another glass. She seemed to know that I wanted another because she didn't bother to ask me first. I found myself talking about my work and about Frank, dating and how I looked forward to a weekend without a date. I talked and talked. Jackie would stop me occasionally to ask me questions but she really didn't say much about herself. She was a vice president of a certain division of CNN and had been with them for about five years. She covered the West Coast and travelled often. We both went to many of the same cities. We were now approaching LAX and the seat belt sign had just come on. I was still holding my wine glass and Jackie noticed the sign coming on and reached over me and fastened my belt for me. She smiled again. She was very pretty as she got close to me. Her smile and her manner told me everything was alright. I felt safe with her. With Frank, I never felt safe. I was always the one to decide things, figure out where we were going. Frank would never have thought to buckle my seat belt if we were traveling together. It was nice. I liked her. "Why don't we get together this weekend and go shopping or to dinner? I don't have any plans and I'd like your company," Jackie said. I was just thinking the same thing but I couldn't get the nerve to say anything. I was glad she spoke up. "I'd like that" I responded. We exchanged phone numbers and she said she would call me the next morning around 11:00. It was around dusk when the plane touched down and we parked at the terminal. Jackie shook my hand and kissed me lightly on the left cheek. She smelled very good. I was already looking forward to her call tomorrow. "Hello" I spoke nervously into the phone when it rang. It was 11:20 a.m. and she was late. Or, I hoped it was her. I had considered calling her but I felt foolish. I was eager to speak with her again. How could this be? I was actually drawn to this attractive woman somewhat older than me. "Hello Cindy, this is Jackie. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long. I did want you to wait a little and wonder. Did you wonder if I was going to call, Cindy?" How did she know? What made it somehow exciting being made to wait. It usually made me very mad to have to wait for anything. Lines at the supermarket. Lines at the bank. If Frank made me wait I would be furious and probably tell him that I did not want to see him. This was different. "Yes, I did wonder why you didn't call at eleven and I wondered if you were going to call at all." Oh god, why did I tell her that? It was bad enough that I was looking forward to seeing another woman again but now I have told her. "Good, I'll pick you up at seven o'clock sharp, be ready. We'll be going to a club on the westside for dinner. I suggest you wear a dress, something light, and heels," she stated in no uncertain terms and very business like, again. I had a light summer dress I had just gotten the week before and hadn't worn it. It was a black and white print that was tight in the stomach. I could wear clothes that were tight in the stomach. I had a good figure, I even thought so. And I didn't have to work at it either. My mother and I have the same shape. She never has to work at it. Although I like to work out at the gym, aerobics three times a week, I don't have to. I'm just lucky. Paula, at the office, works out with me sometimes in the morning. She was always griping because she had to diet constantly and work out regularly and still couldn't fit into the clothes I did and I never had to worry. She said it made her mad. She was jealous and I was flattered. During the rest of the day I found myself daydreaming of Jackie. What she would wear, where we would go, what was this "club" we were going to, what was the food they served, why was I thinking of her, how could I be excited about seeing her and what was really a date? I heard the doorbell first. It was about six forty-five. It couldn't be Jackie. She would probably be late. I looked through the peep hole in the door. There she was and I wasn't completely dressed yet. It was unsettling to have her early. She was either late or early. What was she trying to do? "Hello Cindy," Jackie said. She moved close and kissed me again on the cheek. If I hadn't moved my face over, instinctively, she would have kissed me on the mouth. I found myself opening the door without thinking and she moved past me into the living room. "You have a nice place. Go ahead and finish getting ready. I'll just make myself at home." She moved into the living room and I was struck by the difference in the way she was dressed. She had on black leather pants and matching top and black high heels. Her hair was more tightly done. She was beautiful. She was different than in the plane. Immediately, I felt a little afraid of what I was getting myself into and very excited. I hadn't felt like this for a long time and it was fun to upset my drab life like this. I nervously moved about in my bedroom trying to finish as quickly as possible. I finished my hair and makeup. I was actually having trouble putting on my lipstick. I was scared. How could this be? I never remember being scared of anyone. But I was scared of Jackie and I don't know why. And she was dressed so differently than when we met. And I wasn't dressed anything like she was. What would she think? What did she think? I nervously finished. I didn't want to keep her waiting. "You look very pretty" Jackie said when I finally got back into the living room where she was standing. She looked too good. I shouldn't feel this way. Not with a woman. I was supposed to feel this way about a man coming to pick me up for an uncertain evening. But when Frank picked me up nothing was uncertain and everything was mundane. Everything was safe. Sometimes I needed to be safe. I felt strangely safe with Jackie but afraid at the same time. "Thank you" I mumbled. "Am I dressed alright?" I asked, now aware of my nervousness and afraid she would be able to tell. "Just right" she answered and smiled. I felt better. We walked to her car and she opened the door for me. She touched my shoulder, very lightly, as I got into the car. She drove some kind of foreign car, with four doors, maybe a Mercedes. I'm not good at cars. I usually think of them as dark, light, foreign or sports cars. Hers was dark and foreign. It was the kind I would expect her to drive. Unusual, just like her. "I want you to relax and have a good time. We're going to a club where I go, often. They have good food and music. I don't want you to be alarmed but there are mostly women here. Not that men are not allowed but it gives us time with mostly women. I like that sometimes. It's no big deal. You'll have a good time. People know me here. It's quiet until about eight thirty and then the music comes on. It gets kind of noisy then. Do you like to dance?" I love to dance. My girlfriend and I used to dance together when we were about twelve or thirteen. We would laugh and watch Soultrain on tv. Mostly we danced fast, trying to get the moves down so we looked good when we went to school dances. "Yes, I love to dance." I couldn't think of what to say. All of a sudden I was out of things to say. That was unlike me. The club was in the West Hollywood area and was called All Of Me. It seemed like a fitting name for a club in West Hollywood. It was dark on the outside and you really couldn't tell what it was. It looked like it needed some work on the outside of the building. We pulled around back because the side parking lot was full. There seemed to be a lot of cars. As we walked to the front door Jackie took a hold of my arm and guided me inside. There were a lot of people. No, there were a lot of women. Women. I didn't see any men. There was a long bar on the left as we entered and tables all around the place with a dance floor toward the back. There was a hint of some music not loud enough to really hear. "Hi, Jackie" I heard an attractive lady say as we walked to the bar. Quite a few women nodded to Jackie and I could tell she know a lot of them. We stood at the bar and Jackie spotted a couple of bar stools near the far end. She took my hand and we walked to them and sat down. "What would you like to drink, Cindy?" She did it again. Saying my name made me feel important. I liked the way Jackie treated me. "I'll have white wine" I told her and sat quietly on the bar stool. I heard her order our drinks. "I'm going to put our names down for a table. I'll be back in a second" she said and then walked off. I noticed several women stopped to talk with her and she seemed to have a number of friends. A couple of them looked at me and I could tell they were talking about me. Jackie made her way through the mass of women to the front near the door and I could see her talking to someone that apparently worked here. I guessed she was giving her name. Then she was coming back. I found myself staring at her as she walked back. She moved very gracefully but at the same time she seemed masculine in her movements. She was a striking combination of contrasts. I wanted her to touch me again. "Well, what do you think of the club?" she asked me. "I'm intrigued. I've never been to a club where there were only women." There must have been one hundred altogether. It was hard for me to tell. It was fairly dark but there seemed to be about fifteen or twenty tables around the bar area and up against the dance floor. At some of them there were three and at some there were two women. Some had dinners and some looked like they were just drinking. And smoking. I was aware that the rooms seemed filled with smoke. That made it appear more difficult to see all the people present. There seemed to be a number of women dressed in leather, too. Some in dresses and some in pants like Jackie. There were no men. Nowhere. I had never been to an all women club or anything for that matter with not one single man. I was a member of a women's business club but they even seemed to have a couple of men present, either to talk or a friend of someone. "I come here often. It's a lot of fun when the music starts" Jackie said, looking at me intently. That was it. She was very intense. The way she stared and her eyes. Actually, her whole face. I could tell that when she was after something her whole being was involved. Now she seemed to be involved in just looking me over and it was unsettling. "I like the way you're dressed tonight, Cindy. You are very pretty and appealing to me." Jackie didn't mince words. I liked hearing that and I didn't like it. It bothered me that I liked it. I wasn't supposed to like hearing that. I could hear my older sister telling me that now. I think she is the voice of my conscience that I hear inside my head. I was aware she was looking straight at me again. In fact, she had been looking right at my eyes since she spoke. I hadn't looked up at her yet. I was looking at my hands fidgeting in my lap. I felt like such a young girl at that moment and so uncertain of myself. No one had made me feel like that before. No, that wasn't true. My mother had made me feel that way too. Usually when I was being scolded. I would sit looking down with my hands fidgeting in my lap. Just like now. I felt like a naughty young girl again. I liked that feeling in some strange and perverse way. "Look at me when I talk to you Cindy" I heard my mother saying, but it was Jackie this time. I felt her hand go under my chin and pull my head up to meet her gaze. "Did you hear me, Cindy?" Before I even considered the implications of her command to me or her question, I heard myself answering "Yes ma'am". This couldn't be happening. I was reverting to being a young girl again. I was nervous and scared and excited too. It was very confusing. I couldn't believe I had actually answered "Yes ma'am" to her. How was she getting me to feel this way. Why was I not in charge as usual? Why was she in charge of me? What was she doing? I wanted some more wine. "May I have another glass of wine?" I asked her. "What do we say, Cindy, when we ask for something?" Jackie responded. I couldn't believe this. Who did she think she was? How could she talk to me like this? I thought we were friends. Instinctively, and maybe because of the wine, in fact mostly because of the wine I told myself, my answer was "May I have another glass of wine, please?" I looked at her and she was staring at me. Then a smile crept over her face. She liked me saying please. "Very good, Cindy, yes you may" and with that she ordered another glass of wine for me. Our table was now ready and she took my arm to guide me in the direction we were going. Our hostess moved us toward the back of the large room we were in toward an empty booth close to the dance floor. I moved in first and Jackie was right behind me. Once in the booth, Jackie had me move close to her. I moved without hesitation. I was captivated by her and her directions to me. I seemed to do what she said without thinking. I seemed dizzy. I realized at that point that I had not eaten all day and I still wasn't hungry. I was anxious about seeing her and now I was dizzy and actually growing excited. Me excited with another woman. In college my room mate and I had become best friends and she and I had talked about lesbian relationships and had planned to make love some time but we never did. We were both afraid of the consequences. Now Jackie was talking and I was listening. About the men in her life. About the women. About her dominating personality. Why she thought I was attracted to her. I couldn't believe she actually was talking about me wanting her, how I was getting excited and I would come to need her. What was happening to me? She was the most exciting and interesting person I had ever met. Man or woman. I had never felt like this. It seemed alright in some strange way. Everything seemed alright. This place. Me. Jackie. All the women. And the wine. I was feeling very dizzy. "You need to have something to eat, Cindy," I heard her saying. I couldn't look up to see her gaze upon me. She ordered us both something. I ate. I didn't even notice what it was. I finished my wine. I was very mechanical at this point. I was very excited. "Are you listening to me, Cindy?" I felt dreamy. Things felt surrealistic. Her voice penetrated my trance. "Young lady, I am speaking to you!" She was now speaking louder and I noticed that other people were now looking at me. The music had not started and it seemed the only noise I heard was Jackie's strong, demanding voice. I couldn't answer. I wouldn't answer. This was all too humiliating. At first I wasn't sure what happened. My head was thrown back and I was startled. My left cheek was burning. "Answer me this instance or I will slap your face again!" I was wide awake now. I had just been slapped. I looked at Jackie's face and she was very unhappy. The smile from earlier was gone completely. She was looking so sternly at me, glaring, that I was aware mostly of being afraid. I was aware of feeling shameful and aware that I had made her mad. Very mad. I was a little girl again and she was my mommy. I was a naughty little girl. I had just received the first face slapping of my life. Even my mother never did that. I was horrified. I was mad. The next table was mumbling and seemed to enjoy the spectacle. "I'm sorry, I wasn't listening" I was able to get out. I hoped it would be enough. "I do not enjoy talking and having you ignore me, Cindy. Do not let that happen again. It is very rude and you don't want me to think you are rude, do you?" Jackie asked, delighting in making me uneasy. "No, I don't" I replied. "No, what, Cindy?" she asked. "No Jackie" I answered, before thinking and now realizing this was not the correct response. "You will either address me as ma'am or Ms. Montague, do you understand?" I heard her say. "Yes, ma'am" I said. "Cindy, we are just beginning our relationship, and I want to establish a couple of rules. Listen carefully. First, you had best listen when I am talking. When you are talking, I will show you the courtesy of listening too. Second, I am a firm disciplinarian and I will not hesitate to enforce proper rules of conduct for you with discipline. You will learn to do as I say when I say and we will get along just fine. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" Jackie left little for me to misunderstand, although what she had in mind as far as discipline was concerned was a little confusing to me but I was sure I would find out soon. I didn't want too much time to elapse, so I kind of blurted out my response, "I understand." "What?" she retorted. "I'm sorry, I understand Ms. Montague." A dj had assembled on the corner of the dance floor while this was all going on and had just put on the first music. I was happy because it meant I could get out and dance and not have to sit and be tormented any longer. Jackie took my hand and led me onto the dance floor. By now, a few other couples were dancing to the fast and loud music. The dance floor was very dark lit only by indirect lighting over the bar and tables area. I could see well enough though. We danced a couple of fast ones then a slow song came on. I started to leave the dance floor when I felt Jackie grab my arm and pull me back toward her. "We are still dancing, where do you think you're going?" She asked. I replied, "I thought we were finished, ma'am." "Well, we're not." Jackie said. She walked me over to a very dark area of the large dance floor. It looked to me like the dancing was the central theme at this club because the dance floor was as large as the rest of the club. She led, of course, and held me tightly. She was about two inches taller than I and I think our shoes were the same height. About half way into the song I felt her right hand rubbing my back. My dress clung closely to my skin and I did not have a slip on, which I now felt had been a mistake. Her hand was on my ass, rubbing. I felt uneasy thinking others would see, but I felt powerless to protest and afraid of what might happen if I said or did something anyway. No sooner had I thought this and the song ended. Another slow one started immediately and I wondered if Jackie had somehow signalled the dj to keep the slow ones coming. Now her lips were on my neck. I wasn't thinking of others looking at this point because as I gazed about the floor I noticed many women kissing and necking on the dance floor. I couldn't believe I was actually here, let alone excited. Her kisses went from my neck to my earlobe on my right side. God, this was a turn on. I gasped and sort of lost my breath with my heart skipping a beat. I was getting turned on. If Frank could just see me now. What a picture! Then she kissed me full on the lips and I found our tongues touching and playing with each other. It was a long and passionate kiss. I was almost purring. Her hand had gone down and under the back of my dress. I felt it first on the back of my legs. Then she was rubbing my ass again, this time on my panties. I was getting hot and I was sure I was wet but I wasn't prepared for her hand slipping inside my panties to rub my bare buttock. I'm not sure what happened for sure, but I think I reached back to grab her hand. That was a big mistake. I don't actually remember much of what happened next. I was being marched out of the club by Jackie who was pulling me by the hand. She was yelling something at me I could not make out but I certainly had somehow disobeyed her. She grabbed our purses from the booth and we were now at her car. I then realized what she was telling me, in a very loud voice. It sank in. "You have been a very bad girl. Do not EVER, EVER grab my hand again when I am doing something with you. If I want to rub your bare ass in public, I will. You need to find out I mean business and that's exactly what's going to happen. You have been a bad, naughty, insolent little girl and you're going to be treated like one." With that, she had unlocked her car door and had climbed into the back seat. I was standing to her right, still in the parking lot. It was fairly well lit and we were alone among the cars. She grabbed my hand and pulled me off balance and over her lap. She instructed me "Get over my lap NOW, Cindy!". I was upended and lying face down over her lap. It was happening very fast and she kept scolding me. She must have pulled up my dress because I was no sooner across her lap when I felt her yank my panties down. I had trouble believing most of this evening but me, a grown successful, career woman lying face down over the lap of a dominant woman in black leather, in the back seat of her car in a public parking lot, about to be spanked, well that defied analysis. Then the spanking started. One cheek after the other. It hurt and burned too much. I couldn't stand it. I yelped and demanded she stop which soon turned to begging and sobbing. She would stop, lecture and scold me and spank some more. It was burning and hurt terribly. I was wiggling and squirming and she scolded me and told me to hold still. Then she took a break, I guess, and rubbed my ass. I was crying and her hand was soothing me. It was rubbing, tenderly, both cheeks which were very warm now. She was rubbing over my anus too and then my pussy. I was drenched and very embarrassed. She now knew this evening was sexually stimulating to me and there was no way to hide it. She rubbed across my clitoris and I shivered. She kept rubbing my pussy and put her finger inside. Then she would rub my clitoris again. Back and forth. With her left hand free, she started spanking me again, all the while rubbing my clitoris. I climaxed, over her lap, and shuddered and screamed. I have never been so turned on and have not experienced such a strong orgasm before. Afterwards, she had me sit on her lap and she comforted me. We kissed and she rubbed my breasts. We drove to my house and on the way she told me I would lick her clitoris until she experienced a great orgasm too. I knew this evening was going to be the first of many with this demanding lady. THE END Copyright 1987. Brian Hutton